2010 m. rugsėjo 18 d., šeštadienis

Psychology of seduction

Nowadays different things are being researched by scientists. Especially they try to find psychological aspects of human behavior. So I want to write about one of them. It is the psychology of seduction.

Firstly, seduction is the process of deliberately enticing a person to engage in some sort of human sexual behavior. The art of seduction lies in the fact that you have to woo emotionally rather than by using plain logic.

Moreover, According to Raj Persaud, there is one psychological trick that is guaranteed to make almost anyone fall in love with you: "Identify your target's favourite emotion, then simply go out of your way to supply that emotion in quantities that person has never experienced before," he says.

Furthermore, shyness can helpto find a date. It helps
to connect with other people because so many individualists think that they are also shy.

Finally, a recent research show that if you want an intelligent partner - seek out a man with body hair. Also, cosmetic surgery can‘t help you to find a date because partners like to be with real, natural persons.

To sum up, i believe that our abilities of seduction is inborn and we can just improve them and help ourselves to find a date. Also, we should behave naturally.


Jennifer Drapkin, How to seduce a lower http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200505/how-seduce-lover [09/18/2010]

Mary Francis, The psychology of seduction http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-426320/The-psychology-seduction.html [09/18/2010]

Tiffany Burke, Use of psychology in seduction http://www.datinganxiety.com/use-of-psychology-in-seduction.html [09/18/2010]

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