2010 m. lapkričio 19 d., penktadienis

Self assessment

The third semester will be finished after month but i have to express my opinion about my performances in different tasks of English till then.

Firstly, we had to do moodle tests of all modules in every week. I think i could do tests better than it is but I try to do my best. This task is not new in this semester so it is easier than it was earlier.

Secondly, we wrote ESP vocabulary tests. We had the same tasks in the first and second semesters so I have experience and I really improve my results because I understood how to do it exactly. But I think results could be better if I take more efforts.

Thirdly, we were learned to write a summary in the first semester. My results are really better in this semester than in the first and second semesters because I understand what I should mention in the text and how it should looks like.

Also, we did online exercises only in third semester. It was interesting to me and also effective to use my knowledge and try to fix new concepts.

Moreover, students did a power point presentations in all semesters. I am not the exception. In my opinion I did it much better in this semester because I knew how to do and I invest more efforts. Also, it is not so hard when you have talking experience.

Furthermore, we have two types of speaking tasks. Firstly, we are asked to talk impromptu. I feel progress in this task. It is not so hard and dreadful as it was in the beginning. Also, I feel that my vocabulary is improved and developed. Secondly, the other speaking task is short talk. We had time to prepare it. But I find it simple and I do not have to take a lot of efforts to do it.

Finally, we did two types of listening tasks. One of them is online listening and the other – traditional listening. I find it more difficult to do online listening than traditional listening. I think the reason is that in online listening is more exercises but it is more interesting.

To sum up, I believe that it is important to practise English in different ways and try to use it in a real life. Also, I think that I should improve my English skills more and more because this speech is very widely used.

2010 m. lapkričio 1 d., pirmadienis

Type Of Personality vs Behavior

Nowadays different things are being researched by scientists. Especially they try to find psychological aspects of human behavior. So I want to write about one of them. It is the personality types developed by Carl Jung.

Firstly, Jung divided psychic energy into two basic attitudes types:

1. Introverted - psychic energy is directed out of the person to the world outside them

2. Extraverted - the person's psychic energy is internally directed.

Also, Jung developed four other types of our psyche functioning which is called:

  1. Sensation
  2. Intuition
  3. Thinking
  4. Feeling

Significantly Jung also asserted that each of us needs to be able to both perceive and to judge in order to survive and to carry on normal functioning behaviour. So If we combine all of these functions we could find 16 different personality types.

Now i want to talk about one of them. It is ESFJ (Extroverted Sensing Feeling Judging). People with this personality type are always willing to help. Also, they spend their time to create harmony arround them. ESFJ is very responsible and can work fluently with other people. Moreother, people who have this personality type like not only sturcture, clarity, and organization but also appreciate sensibility and warmth. They are the most communicative people of all other types.

Furthermore, it is important to evaluate these people efforts. ESFJ likes to judge. They can easily allocate tasks, work hard, and relax eagerly.

In relationships ESFJ is warm, carefull, and attentive. They are traditional and are looking seriously to their commitments. Also, they can‘t stand conflicts and criticism because they feel offended. Moreother, ESFJ is good at household. Finally, they don‘t have problems with money.

To sum up, every people have different personality type which is combined of four characteristics:

1. Extraverted or Introverted

2. Sensing or iNtuitive

3. Thinking or Feeling

4. Judging or Perceiving

People with all of these types behave differently in all situations. But it can have similarities.


  1. Asmenybės tipai pagal Carl Jung http://www.tamagochi.lt/2009/10/asmenybes-tipai-pagal-carl-jung/ [watched 11/01/2010]
  2. Information about personality type http://www.personalitypage.com/html/info.html [11/01/2010]
  3. Jung typology test http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp [11/01/2010]
  4. Carl Jung‘s psychological types http://www.businessballs.com/personalitystylesmodels.htm#carl%20jung%27s%20personality%20types [11/01/2010]
  5. ESFJ tipas http://charakteris.info/esfj-tipas.htm [11/01/2010]