2010 m. lapkričio 19 d., penktadienis
Self assessment
Firstly, we had to do moodle tests of all modules in every week. I think i could do tests better than it is but I try to do my best. This task is not new in this semester so it is easier than it was earlier.
Secondly, we wrote ESP vocabulary tests. We had the same tasks in the first and second semesters so I have experience and I really improve my results because I understood how to do it exactly. But I think results could be better if I take more efforts.
Thirdly, we were learned to write a summary in the first semester. My results are really better in this semester than in the first and second semesters because I understand what I should mention in the text and how it should looks like.
Also, we did online exercises only in third semester. It was interesting to me and also effective to use my knowledge and try to fix new concepts.
Moreover, students did a power point presentations in all semesters. I am not the exception. In my opinion I did it much better in this semester because I knew how to do and I invest more efforts. Also, it is not so hard when you have talking experience.
Furthermore, we have two types of speaking tasks. Firstly, we are asked to talk impromptu. I feel progress in this task. It is not so hard and dreadful as it was in the beginning. Also, I feel that my vocabulary is improved and developed. Secondly, the other speaking task is short talk. We had time to prepare it. But I find it simple and I do not have to take a lot of efforts to do it.
Finally, we did two types of listening tasks. One of them is online listening and the other – traditional listening. I find it more difficult to do online listening than traditional listening. I think the reason is that in online listening is more exercises but it is more interesting.
To sum up, I believe that it is important to practise English in different ways and try to use it in a real life. Also, I think that I should improve my English skills more and more because this speech is very widely used.
2010 m. lapkričio 1 d., pirmadienis
Type Of Personality vs Behavior
Firstly, Jung divided psychic energy into two basic attitudes types:
1. Introverted - psychic energy is directed out of the person to the world outside them
2. Extraverted - the person's psychic energy is internally directed.
Also, Jung developed four other types of our psyche functioning which is called:
- Sensation
- Intuition
- Thinking
- Feeling
Significantly Jung also asserted that each of us needs to be able to both perceive and to judge in order to survive and to carry on normal functioning behaviour. So If we combine all of these functions we could find 16 different personality types.
Now i want to talk about one of them. It is ESFJ (Extroverted Sensing Feeling Judging). People with this personality type are always willing to help. Also, they spend their time to create harmony arround them. ESFJ is very responsible and can work fluently with other people. Moreother, people who have this personality type like not only sturcture, clarity, and organization but also appreciate sensibility and warmth. They are the most communicative people of all other types.
Furthermore, it is important to evaluate these people efforts. ESFJ likes to judge. They can easily allocate tasks, work hard, and relax eagerly.
In relationships ESFJ is warm, carefull, and attentive. They are traditional and are looking seriously to their commitments. Also, they can‘t stand conflicts and criticism because they feel offended. Moreother, ESFJ is good at household. Finally, they don‘t have problems with money.
To sum up, every people have different personality type which is combined of four characteristics:
1. Extraverted or Introverted
2. Sensing or iNtuitive
3. Thinking or Feeling
4. Judging or Perceiving
People with all of these types behave differently in all situations. But it can have similarities.
- Asmenybės tipai pagal Carl Jung http://www.tamagochi.lt/2009/10/asmenybes-tipai-pagal-carl-jung/ [watched 11/01/2010]
- Information about personality type http://www.personalitypage.com/html/info.html [11/01/2010]
- Jung typology test http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/JTypes2.asp [11/01/2010]
- Carl Jung‘s psychological types http://www.businessballs.com/personalitystylesmodels.htm#carl%20jung%27s%20personality%20types [11/01/2010]
- ESFJ tipas http://charakteris.info/esfj-tipas.htm [11/01/2010]
2010 m. rugsėjo 18 d., šeštadienis
Psychology of seduction

Nowadays different things are being researched by scientists. Especially they try to find psychological aspects of human behavior. So I want to write about one of them. It is the psychology of seduction.
Firstly, seduction is the process of deliberately enticing a person to engage in some sort of human sexual behavior. The art of seduction lies in the fact that you have to woo emotionally rather than by using plain logic.
Moreover, According to Raj Persaud, there is one psychological trick that is guaranteed to make almost anyone fall in love with you: "Identify your target's favourite emotion, then simply go out of your way to supply that emotion in quantities that person has never experienced before," he says.
Furthermore, shyness can helpto find a date. It helps to connect with other people because so many individualists think that they are also shy.
Finally, a recent research show that if you want an intelligent partner - seek out a man with body hair. Also, cosmetic surgery can‘t help you to find a date because partners like to be with real, natural persons.
To sum up, i believe that our abilities of seduction is inborn and we can just improve them and help ourselves to find a date. Also, we should behave naturally.
Jennifer Drapkin, How to seduce a lower http://www.psychologytoday.com/articles/200505/how-seduce-lover [09/18/2010]
Mary Francis, The psychology of seduction http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-426320/The-psychology-seduction.html [09/18/2010]
Tiffany Burke, Use of psychology in seduction http://www.datinganxiety.com/use-of-psychology-in-seduction.html [09/18/2010]
2010 m. gegužės 16 d., sekmadienis
English performances
Firstly, we had to do moodle tests of all modules in every week. I think i could do tests better than it is but this task is new and i tried to do my best.
Secondly, we wrote ESP definitions tests. I had the same tasks in the fitrst semester so i have experience and i really improve my results because i understood how to do it exactly.
Thirdly, we were learned to write a summary all years. My results are really better in this semester than inthe first and i understand what i should mention in the text.
Moreover, students did a power point presentation in both semesters. I am not the exception. In my opinion i did it much more better in this semester because i knew how to do and i invest more effort.
One more task is listening. I want to do more because i think it is my weak point in English.
Finally, we had to speak in class. Here is to different types of speaking: in prompt to and short talks. In both tasks i feel a progress but i can still improve my speaking skills.
To sum up, i believe that it is important to practise English in different ways and try to use it in a real life.
2010 m. balandžio 26 d., pirmadienis
Psychology of laughter

Laughter is an audible expression or the appearance of happiness, or an inward feeling of joy. We can hear it every day in our environment. Laughter is universal. it has nothing to do with what language we speak, which culture we were raised in, or what our religious faith is. We all laugh. The study of humor and laughter, and its psychological and physiological effects on the human body, is called gelotology.
First of all, scientists argue that laughter probably is genetic. Also, they found that infant start laughting at about four months of age. A very rare neurological condition has been observed whereby the sufferer is unable to laugh out loud, a condition known as aphonogelia.
Secondly, here is five different types of laughter. One of them is etiquette laughter - starts with a smile and it can be quite restrained and easily managed. One more is pigeon laughter - requires you to take a deep inhalation with the mouth shut and produce laughing sounds like the hum of a pigeon. Nervous laughter - during times of stress and anxiety, we often laugh in a subconscious attempt to reduce stress and calm down. Silent or soundless laughter - inhale gently through the nose with mouth closed. The last one is belly laughter - when you open your mouth, you let go and laugh loudly.
Thirdly, common reasons for laughter are sensations of joy and humor. But it is not the only one reason. Sigmund Freud summarized it in his theory that laughter releases tension and "psychic energy". This theory is one of the justifications of the beliefs that laughter is beneficial for one's health.
Moreover, laughter releasis stress, has a direct influence on certain hormone secretion of our body, helps to immune system, can improve memory condition. On the other hand, the joyous discovery that ten minutes of genuine belly laughter had an anesthetic effect and would give us at least two hours of pain-free sleep.
Furthermore, There is well documented and ongoing research in laughter therapy. A client's laughter triggers are identified such as people in their lives that make them laugh, things from childhood, situations, movies, jokes, comedians, basically anything that makes them laugh. Based on the information provided by the client, the clinician creates a personal humor profile to aid in the laughter therapy. In this one on one setting, the client is taught basic exercises that can be practiced. The intent of the exercises is to remind the importance of relationships and social support. It is important the clinician is sensitive to what the client perceives as humorous.
To sum up, laughter is an expression of amusement. People who are 'up' positive personalities and laugh a lot generally have less physical problems than those who are depressed. Laughter therapy boosts the interferon levels of the immune system which helps the system's ability to fight illness and escalates healing. Laughter decreases stress hormones that constrict blood vessels and suppress immune activity.
2010 m. balandžio 22 d., ketvirtadienis
Psychology of conflict

Firstly, a conflict exists when the reduction of one motivating stimulus involves an increase in another, so that a new adjustment is demanded. A conflict is more than a mere disagreement - it is a situation in which people perceive a threat (physical, emotional, power, status, etc.) to their well-being.
Secondly, conflicts styles is a way to meet one's needs in a dispute but may impact other people in different ways. One of them is competing in which one's own needs are advocated over the needs of others. The next one is accommodating – the opposite of competing. One more style is avoiding in which is a common response to the negative perception of conflict. Also, here is compromising - an approach to conflict in which people gain and give in a series of tradeoffs. And the last one is collaborating that requires assertive communication and cooperation in order to achieve a better solution than either individual could have achieved alone.
Moreover, here are three types of responses to conflict. Emotional responses are the feelings we experience in conflict, ranging from anger and fear to despair and confusion, cognitive responses are our ideas and thoughts about a conflict, often present as inner voices or internal observers in the midst of a situation, and physical responses are similar to those we experience in high-anxiety situations, and they may be managed through stress management techniques.
Furthermore, we have three choices how to resolute a conflict. It can be win-win, where both parties get what they want, win-lose where one party gets what they want, or lose-lose where both parties don't get what they want.
Finally, here are both advantages and disadvantages.
Advantages: Spirit of competition drives all to excel to higher levels, as weaknesses are exposed and creative solutions are proposed. Also, where people disagree about the essence of the discussion or the directives of a figure in authority, can be constructive. Conflict brings all sides of an issue into the open.
Disadvantage: The competition gets so fierce that people forget they are ultimately on the same team, and opposing groups destroy each other, hence destroying the whole community or country. Moreover, conflict may stir passions in a dormant environment, creating a newfound sense of motivation and in extreme cases, conflict can even become violent.
To sum up, i believe that conflict is not the best way to search a solution and try to be at the risk of relationship with other people.
2010 m. vasario 2 d., antradienis
Psychology studies
First of all, it is in the different places. MRU is in Vilnius the capital of Lithuania. Vilnius is small and cosy city. But if you want to live in a most international city you should choose London where is RHU.

Secondly, RHU students take four courses in each term of the first year and then courses in the second year build on the knowledge gained in the first year. In the final year, students carry out independent research projects in small groups. Whereas, MRU students get schedule of courses each year. Also, they should write course paper in the second and the third courses and final paper in the last course.
Moreover, study programmes of psychology are a little bit different in every university. For example, MRU acquire not only psychologists but also wide celibre specialists because they also study introduction to philosophy, the culture of lithuanian language and logic. Furthermore, students have some disciplines of speciality in the first year. It is methods of psychological researches, the history of psychology, communication skills and positive thinkinhg. Meanwhile, RHU disciplines is based on speciality courses from the first semester. It is introductory courses in lifespan development, biological psychology, learning and memory, abnormal psychology, and self and society. But also i want to notice that many points are similar in both universities. MRU and RHU students have sensation and perception course in the first year.
Finally, study term is not the same. If you want to study bachelor three year you should learn in Royal Holloway University, but if you want to be a student one year longer you might choose Mykolas Romeris University.

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